Sunday, November 29, 2009

Phishing on Facebook

To all facebook users, beware if one of your friends post a message in your wall with links, there are several reports that malwares are using facebook to redirect a user to a phishing site to steal your facebook account's password.

Here's the example of the message with the malicious link that might be posted on your wall:

  • http://WWW.SHRINKURL%2EUS/ntrurpwkthx?2230
note: The message and link may change but it will still point the user to the phishing site.

Once you click the link, it will redirect you to a fake facebook site (phishing site), entering your email and password to this fake facebook site will expose your facebook account to the hacker (owner of phishing site).

Fake facebook website (Phishing site):

Please always check the address bar on your browser that the domain site you are viewing is from facebook before logging in. (it should be _NOT_ http://-somethingelse-/

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